Sonam Kapoor Sets a New Bar for Wedding Hashtags
Portmanteau surnames are so yesterday.

In The Buzz Cut, we give our take on all of the intellectual and Internet-famous, celebrity and bizarre, buzzy and overlooked family and parenting news we gossiped about all week.
Marriage. Congrats to Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja for breaking Instagram with their #EverydayPhenomenal hashtag — it’s certainly more inventive than the typical #PortmanteauNames — oh, and for getting married! We wonder if their wedding cake was anything like Amanda Chantal Bacon’s; the founder of Moon Juice (of course) had a little special something added to her wedding dessert. May it keep her and her partner from the tragic-yet-familiar fate of Rob Lowe, who, after 26 years of marriage, says he sleeps better without his wife (who, in adorable normalcy, plays Family Feud on her iPad, and wakes him for answers). Two and a half decades is a long time to be married — and this poignant essay asks whether any of us really understand, going into it, how long a marriage might last and how much it will change. When it doesn’t last, the reasons are often surprisingly old-fashioned.
Work. Penelope Cruz leads the way for equal pay, receiving the same paycheck as her husband Javier Bardem in their upcoming film Everybody Knows. Westworld actresses Evan Rachel Wood and Thandie Newton have also demanded and received pay equal to that of their male co-stars. In related news around the world, UAE and Canada are both making national efforts toward equal pay. Elsewhere, a former Tinder employee talks about the need for concrete steps to correct gender inequities, and a high-powered lawyer recounts what it was like to sue her law firm for gender discrimination in pay. Finally, reflections on how two traditionally female jobs have been undervalued: how women in fashion have been traditionally pitted against feminists, and an exploration of the gender trap that is the position of First Lady in the US.
Pregnancy. Cardi B’s pregnancy is giving her weird, particularly vivid, spooky dreams and nightmares. But for this woman, pregnancy is the nightmare, due to her intense tokophobia — a pathological fear of being pregnant. And this woman’s pregnancy turned into a real-life nightmare when she and her husband were renditioned by the British government. And Vox explores how pregnancy doesn’t end with childbirth — there’s a lot more to it, physically, even after you’ve had your kid.
Family. This piece about family life in Cairo amid a revolution will have laughing and crying at the same time. More soberingly, children whose parents are getting a divorce are calling for courts to include child-friendly explanations of the process of separation and what in entails for kids.
Sex & Love. While we claim that our country is on the cusp of modernity, deeply conservative roots still make instances such as the manhandling of the couple in Kolkata possible. And this fascinating exploration of how young adults experience and make decisions about sex and consent just makes the importance of teaching kids sexual values all the more clear.
Learning. Amid a global push for education reform, let’s not forget the role of rote learning, says this woman who mastered Mathematics as an adult. This article also challenges the idea that learning is only for the young — it’s all about learning how to learn better.
Beauty. South Korea is the capital of plastic surgery in the world; it is believed that one in three women between 19 and 29 years has gone under the knife — and here’s what they think about it. And while they may have to pay out of their pockets to surgical enhancement, in Brazil, people have a ‘right to beauty’ and get subsidies on cosmetic surgeries. To fill in the gaps between those two points on the globe, this article tackles what beauty means to the world. Finally, plastic surgery is likely to get even more common, if an app that’s being heralded as the ‘TripAdvisor of cosmetic surgery and botox enhancements,’ takes off.

Lack of Flexible Work is a Problem for Mothers — and Fathers