The Buzz Cut: Lilly Singh’s Rap Made Us Rethink Bollywood Classics
Plus, a peek inside group masturbation clubs.

In The Buzz Cut, we bring you a round-up of all the weird, controversial, and wonderful stories we’ve been reading all week.
If you haven’t heard it already, Lilly Singh, aka YouTube sensation Superwoman, has a Bollywood-inspired rap that tackles consent, sexuality and mental health. You’ll never be able to hear “Choli Ke Peeche Kya Hai” the same way again.
While we’re focused on youth in the internet age — reading think pieces on millennial trends — it’s the older population that gets left behind. But bridging the digital divide between the young and old is becoming increasingly important, as the 65+ population are more likely to be targets for misinformation.
In an ode to Scarleteen, a queer-run online publication featuring inclusive and comprehensive sex education for teens, Mariella Mosthof explores the challenges they face when sex-positive spaces on the internet are increasingly under threat.
Does homework really stifle creativity? Or will kids fall behind if they don’t reinforce what they’ve learnt in school by studying at home? Cultural attitudes towards the practice reflect what researchers have found over the years: deep confliction.
Regardless of what the Kardashians are selling, their hustle is always impressive. Interviewing the family we could never hope to keep up with, Amy Chozick presents a solid argument for the success of the Kardashian business sense.
In the second millennium B.C., a board game called Fifty-eight Holes was the most popular pastime, from Egypt to the Mediterranean. Its discovery by researchers and archeologists gives us a glimpse into the role that games play in our lives, no matter what year we’re living in.
More than 40 years ago, the world’s first ‘test tube baby’ was born. Since then, more than 8 million babies have been born through IVF, allowing people to carve new paths to parenthood and redefining the idea of family.
Masturbation is, generally speaking, a solitary act — one that has a lot of shame attached to it. But some straight men claim that ‘masturbation clubs,’ where men gather to masturbate together, can turn the experience into one of bonding and community.
When Ariana Grande’s latest single, “Monopoly,” dropped on Monday, her casual reference to liking both men and women got a lot of people worked up. But the pop star doesn’t need to label herself, and we shouldn’t need to either.
From chai to chillies, Riyaz Timol’s research on the evolution of Muslim identity in the West is presented through the lens of food as it explores how immigrants pass down through generations preferences that echo the taste of home.

Netflix’s ‘Delhi Crime’ Tackles Rape, But Not Rape Culture